Summer is slowly coming to a close and preparations for the fall and winter have begun. At least within the flower industry that is. Despite the harsh reality of the pandemic lingering around the world, people are still enjoying their hobby of gardening. This may come as no surprise, extra time spent at home, what better could you be doing.

Though the fall and winter are not known to be a very flowery period, the indoor garden scene does not abide by these rules. Kitchen herbs and living room centerpieces are year-round indoor companions. Go out and see if there are any plants at your local nursery that will liven your living space when the darker months start to come around.

Rather grow your own things? We agree. Coming this fall we'll be bringing more homegrown kits. Easy to set-up and follow-through. Tasty herbs to make your own cooking even more authentic. Or maybe an amaryllis for the living room. Bring your space to life with vibrant colors and elegant flowers. Check out what we have in store for you.

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