Wand Flowers Sparaxis


Another South African native, Sparaxis is a tough-as-nails beauty that happily blooms away from spring into early summer. With simple needs – full sun and good drainage – this durable delight will naturalize and spread, adding more flowering plants with each passing year. Sparaxis grows about a foot tall, making it ideal for front to middle of the garden positions and for containers.

  • Planting Location: Sun
  • Planting: January-May after Frost
  • Planting Depth: 3 inch (7.5 cm)
  • Planting Distance: 4 inch (10 cm)
  • Flowers In: July-September
  • Flowering Height: Approx. 8 inch (20 cm)

How to Grow

Easy to Grow:

1. Select an area with full sun

2. Dig a hole 3 inches (7,5 cm) deep

3. Place the bulb in the hole, with pointed side up

4. Space bulbs 4 inches (10 cm) apart

5. Cover with soil and water thoroughly

Planting Tips:

Plant in groups of 15 or more, in well-drained soil. Bulbs will benefit from a handful of compost added to the planting holes.

Search code: TG700

Collections: Novelty, Summer Bulbs